What Are Virtual Idols in Blockchain Gaming?

4 min readMay 9, 2023



Virtual idols in blockchain gaming have become increasingly popular in recent years as gamers and fans seek new ways to engage with their favorite celebrities and fictional characters.

Virtual Idols — Explained

In a blockchain-based game, virtual idols refer to virtual characters or avatars designed to represent a particular celebrity or fictional character. These virtual idols are created using various technologies such as 3D modeling, motion capture, and artificial intelligence. They can interact with players, perform concerts or other events, and participate in various in-game activities.

Advantages of Virtual Idols in Blockchain Gaming

One of the key advantages of virtual idols in blockchain gaming is their ability to provide a new revenue stream for content creators and game developers. By creating and selling virtual idols as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain-based platform, content creators can monetize their creations in a new and innovative way. Players can buy, sell, and trade these virtual idols using cryptocurrency, and the value of each virtual idol is determined by its rarity and popularity.

This revenue model has become increasingly popular in the music industry, where virtual idols such as Hatsune Miku have gained a massive following in Japan and worldwide. Hatsune Miku is a virtual singer created by Crypton Future Media using Yamaha’s Vocaloid software. Her fans can attend virtual concerts and buy merchandise featuring her likeness, and she has become a cultural icon in Japan.

Blockchain technology has made it possible for content creators to monetize their creations in a previously impossible way. By creating virtual idols as NFTs on a decentralized and transparent blockchain platform, creators can ensure that their creations are unique and valuable and that they receive a share of the profits when their virtual idols are bought and sold.

Another advantage of virtual idols in blockchain gaming is their ability to provide players with a new level of interactivity. Virtual idols can create immersive and engaging gaming experiences where players can interact with their favorite celebrities and fictional characters in a previously impossible way.

For example, virtual idols can be used to create in-game events, such as concerts or other performances, where players can attend and interact with the virtual character. These events can be streamed live to players worldwide, creating a global community of fans who can interact with each other and with the virtual idol.

In addition to in-game events, virtual idols can also be used to create social experiences for players. Players can form communities around their favorite virtual idols, sharing fan art, music, and other content related to the character. These communities can be a powerful marketing tool for content creators, as they can help to spread awareness of the virtual idol and increase its popularity.

Challenges of Virtual Idols in Blockchain Gaming

One of the challenges of virtual idols in blockchain gaming is ensuring they are authentic and unique. Because virtual idols are created using advanced technologies, ensuring they are not copied or duplicated by other creators can be challenging. This can lead to a loss of value for the original creator and a lack of trust among fans.

In addressing this challenge, some blockchain-based platforms like Time New Bank (TNB) have implemented measures to ensure that virtual idols are authentic and unique. For example, the Ethereum blockchain has a standard called ERC-721 for creating NFTs, and this standard ensures that each NFT is unique and cannot be duplicated or copied.


Overall, virtual idols in blockchain gaming offer a new and innovative way for players to engage with their favorite celebrities or fictional characters while providing a new revenue stream for content creators and game developers. With the continued growth of blockchain technology and the increasing popularity of virtual characters, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in this space in the coming years.

About TNB (Time New Bank)

Time New Bank (TNB) is a fully decentralized blockchain-based metaverse project aiming to build the most prominent intellectual property (IP) trading platform. TNB seeks to do this by bringing together metaverse artists, promoters, brokers, IP scouts, and NFT collectors. Several intellectual properties, such as virtual idols, virtual pets, virtual lands, virtual architecture, virtual tools, and in-game assets, will be traded on the TNB platform.

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TNB is token that represents MiaoA International Timechain (M.I.T) for building a precision time-value based transmission network.